Why "Feywild Books"?

Here to answer a question nobody asked! The answer is simple: I love faerie lore, and I sometimes feel like I live in some sort of feywild. We have wolf descendants that beg for food and snuggles, and tiny panthers that prowl around the house to take swipes at our feet and knock things over. Creatures that resemble clouds with legs wander around and graze our grass.
The farm is filled with medicinal plants that grow with no input from us and places that look like they'd take you to another world if you stepped through them. Tree frogs sing from hidden places, and our ponds are full of little frog families hopping around and acting like they own the place. We even once had a frog with a rare condition that turned him blue. I very imaginatively called him Mister Blueface.
As much as I'd like to say that I spend most of my time writing or reading outside with views like this shot of the pond, mosquitos also exist and they think I'm a free buffet.

Still, as I take strolls or walk my dogs I get to find sights such as this Sagittaria cuneata that grows in clusters at the edge of the natural pond.
I love the wilderness, whether I'm walking through it, snapping pictures, or reading a  book with a heavy emphasis on the beautiful weirdness of nature. 
The "books" part, I think, doesn't need much explanation. I love books. It's what the blog is about. It's for the people who like books, book boxes, and bookish items.
Thus I named my blog Feywild Books. I hope you enjoy it.

Currently reading: Blood Heir by Amélie Wen Zhao.

Current WIP progress: 54,495


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